We are the local experts in our entire field of work. To our knowledge we are the only company in the state of NC that carries our collective group of licenses and expertise in Well Contracting, Well Pump Systems, Water Treatments Systems, Point of Sale Inspections, Plumbing, Septic System Operation/Repair/Installation and Pumping.

Well Contractors

Anyone who engages in any well contractor activities (construction, installation, repair, alteration or abandonment of any well). Learn more

NC Licensed Well Contractors on Staff

Name License #
James (Ray) Sparrow Sr 2474-A
James (Jim) Sparrow Jr 3975-B
Jason Mendez 4186-C
Robbie Branscome 4027-B
Caleb Sparrow 4195-B
Tim Price 4275-B
Evan Watkins 4311-B
Will Atwater 4559-C

Plumbing Contractors

Anyone who contracts to install, alter or restore plumbing. Learn more

NC Licensed Plumbers on Staff

NameLicense #
 James (Ray) Sparrow Sr4728
James (Jim) Sparrow Jr17284

Electrical Contractors

Anyone engaging in electrical contracting or offering to engage in installing, maintaining, altering or repairing any electrical work, wiring, devices, appliances or equipment. Learn more

 NC Licensed Electrical Contractors on Staff

NameLicense #
James (Jim) Sparrow Jr26217-SP-PH

Septic Contractors

Any person(s) installing, repairing or inspecting septic systems. The following require licenses to install, repair or inspect septic systems. Learn more

NC Sub Surface Operators on Staff

NameLicense #
James (Jim) Sparrow Jr988260

NC Septic Installers on Staff

NameLicense #
Caleb Sparrow4432 Level 2

NC Septic Inspectors on Staff

NameLicense #
James (Jim) Sparrow Jr2504-I
Robbie Branscome3747-I
Caleb Sparrow4432-I
Evan Watkins6214-I
Isaac Sparrow7030-I


Septic Pumping

Any person(s) engaging in the activity of pumping, transporting, storing, treating or disposing of septage. Learn more

NC Septic Pumping Operators on Staff

NameLicense #
James (Jim) Sparrow JrNCS-01246